Tuff Turf Blend, Fescue
Provides a tough, durable lawn, yet is fine-textured and dark green in color. Use in full sun to partial shade to establish new lawns. Drought resistant. Mowing height 3-4 inches, excellent wear tolerance, 9 lbs per 1000 sq. ft for new lawns, 4-5 lbs/1000 sq ft for interseeding. 85% germination, 33% tall fescue, 33% 2nd millennium tall fescue, 33% Cochise III tall fescue.
Sold in 5# and 50# bags.
Check out the tuff turf tech sheet for more information.
5 lb. bag — $23.50 each
50 lb. bag — $160.00 each
(quantity discount available on 50 lb. bags)
*Minimum of 3 cubic yards for online orders. Maximum of 35 cubic yards for mulch and 15 cubic yards for soil and stone.